2020-2021 academic year was the third in the implementation of the ERUSMUS+ JM GRETERE project "Green Terra Development: EU policy and practice" and we are summing up the results. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, some previously planned face-to-face events were canceled or postponed and the number of participants was limited.
Nevertheless, we managed to carry out some of them by inserting the scientific section "Creative concepts of architectural activity and urban planning in the context of sustainable development. Green terra development", the open seminar "Green development of territories" as well as the round table "The state and trends in the development of territories. Positive and negative trends" into the program of the Student Science Week 2021. The events were held in a mixed ofline&online format.
The meetup event "BIM & GIS Practices", which was also planned to be held as part of GRETERE project final conference we had to postpone it to a later date and hold it online due to the quarantine regime that was introduced at the university due to the pandemic. More about it here.
At the scientific section, at the seminar, and at the round table, students presented the results of the research they carried within the project.
O. Pogadaeva, 2-year master's student (profile "Architecture and Urbanism"), presented a report on the integrated use of green technologies in architecture and urban planning on the example of CopenHill Energy Plant and Urban Recreation Center / BIG (Copenhagen, Denmark), which is currently the cleanest waste recycling station in the world. A. Ryzhova, 2-year master's student (profile "Architecture and Urbanism"), gave examples of green technologies in the construction and operation of energy-saving houses.
E. Kozlova, a 2-year master's student (profile "Architecture and Urbanism") conducted the compliance of multi-story wooden construction, which has been gaining momentum in the countries recently (the Mjostarnet building in Norway, the Trätoppen Tower project in Stockholm) with the principles of sustainable development, and also made a report on the device of the Tagus linear park in Portugal as a rethinking of public space. O. Pogadaeva, a 2-year master's student (profile "Architecture and Urbanism"), gave an example of the construction of a similar linear park in Kazan, Kaban Embankment, which was largely organized to European technologies.
S. Achilov, a 2-year master's student (profile " Architecture and urbanism), as part of preparing his dissertation "Principles of the development of modern residential development in the historical part of Khujand, the Republic of Tajikistan", analyzed the development in the cities of the world – the residential complex "Habitat 67" in Montreal designed by Moshe Savdi (2018), the residential complex "Wynyard Central" in New Zealand designed by Warren and Mahoney (2018), the residential complex "Barbican" designed by Peter Chamberlin, Jeffrey Powell and Christophe Bon (1982). This allowed him to form in his project proposals for the improvement and infrastructure of the courtyard, techniques for muffling direct sunlight by using sun protection panels in window openings, as well as the use of environmentally friendly materials such as wood and concrete in the construction and cladding of the building.
An interesting and useful discussion is the discussion that started around the topic of renovation of Moscow in comparison with the similar reconstruction of low-rise buildings in Germany, Latvia, Finland (report by E. Kirichenko, Bachelor of 4 years, profile "Real Estate Management and territorial development"). A. Murashko, a master's student of the profile "Architecture and Urbanism", analyzing the problems of renovation in Moscow, made a comparison with the renovation that was carried out in the Danish capital Koppingen.
V. Nakhimovsky, a master's student of the profile "Architecture and urbanism", in the report "Implementation of the principles of sustainable development in the reconstruction of industrial territories" conducted a comparative analysis of the planning of the reconstruction of industrial territories in Hamburg (Germany) (Convenient transport infrastructure, easy accessibility of administrative, shopping centers, social institutions), Tallinn (Estonia) and Paris (France) (building on the principle of cells, creation of green courtyards, playgrounds, separation of business high-rise blocks from residential green areas), Dyersburg (Germany) (creation of artificial reservoirs, parks, alleys, arrangement of embankments). Considered a complex solution of problems with rationalizations sorting and recycling, examples of active houses in Finland (Koopia, Jarvenpaa).
E. Kovtunets, undergraduate profile "Architecture and urbanism" by considering the evolution of the modern library and conducted a comparative analysis of the functional areas of the libraries of the world (USA, Germany, Finland, Singapore, Canada, China, Russia, etc.) and their public Ministry from the standpoint of 17ЦУР stated in the 2030 PROGRAM for sustainable development.
The protection and development of protected areas in Russia is a strategic project at the national level. During the classes of the module "Sustainable development of territories", special attention was paid to this topic. Some students have chosen this topic as a topic for their master's thesis. At the conference, D. Dergacheva, a 1-year master's student (profile "Architecture and Urbanism"), presented the results of her pre-project research on this topic in the context of sustainable development and gave foreign examples of the organization of specially protected natural territories - the Bavarian Forest National Park (Germany), the Rokua Geopark (Finland), and domestic ones-the Serebryany Bor Nature Monument (Russia), etc. The student noted the difference between domestic experience and foreign practice: Russian protected areas are less focused on tourism, more on local residents, there is no provision of high-quality services for visitors.
M. Tsydypova, a 1-year master's student (profile "Architecture and Urbanism"), having chosen the revitalization of coastal territories in Ulan-Ude as a diploma project, conducted a comparative analysis of similar projects in Oslo, New York, Shanghai, Rotterdam, Hamburg, Hamilton, showing, for example, how ports with shipyards and warehouses in Oslo, Rotterdam, and Hamburg turned into modern city blocks with pedestrian embankments, cultural, scientific and educational buildings as a result of the revitalization of the territory.
Two whole reports were devoted to the introduction of environmental assessment standards into the life cycle of buildings. E. Shchukina, a 1-year master's student (profile " Architecture and Urbanism), analyzed international experience in terms of significance and positive impact on social and economic spheres, considered examples of buildings that have passed certification in the world and in Russia from the point of view of applied eco-technologies (energy efficiency, renewable energy, natural lighting, green materials, alternative transport, use of stormwater, smart location selection, etc.). Saitvelieva, a 2-year master's student, profile "Land Management and Cadastre", considered the issue of implementing environmental standards from the point of view of the legal protection of land during construction, highlighting problems and "holes" in the Russian legal framework.
We was pleased with the fact that the classes on the use of modern digital technologies in the management of territories (the "GIS (DATA)& Digitalization" block of the GRETERE module) have borne fruit. So V.Syrova, bachelor of 4 years, presented two reports at the conference – "Innovative approaches to solving modern problems in the development of territories using 3d-GIS technologies and augmented reality" and "The potential for the development of urban planning analysis using virtual reality technologies". Both reports were highly appreciated and were recommended for publication in the collection.
In general, the conference was attended by 26 students in full-time format and 13 students in an online format as speakers (the main training profiles are Architecture and Urbanism, Real Estate Management and Territorial Development, Land Management and Cadastre), as well as teachers of the departments of Architectural Design, Architectural Landscape, Real Estate Management and Territorial development, Land Law, Photogrammetry, etc.
More than 15 reports have been recommended for publication in the collection, and current students, under the guidance of their mentors, are preparing articles for the collection, which is an appendix to the refereed journal "Izvestiya Vuzov. Geodesy and aerial photography". The deadline is September 15, 2021.
In general, the most important result of the implementation of the module "Sustainable Development of Territories" within the GRETERE project is the formation of a more holistic view of the profession, the understanding that the professional contribution to achieving the sustainable development Goals is not as narrow as they previously saw, the development of a worldview, understanding of a consistent and systematic European sustainable development policy and familiarity with the best world practices in the use of green and digital technologies to achieve the sustainable development goals.
Exhibition of student works "Green Culture"