Global monitoring of the Earth


Belenko V.V. Global monitoring of the Earth

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27 Apr 2019 in the project GRETERE an open lecture for students of "Global monitoring system of the Earth. European international initiative Copernicus" took place in MIIGAiK (lecturer Belenko V. V., Ph. D., associate Professor of the Department of Space Monitoring and Ecology MIIGAiK).

At the lecture there were discussed the tasks of environmental monitoring in the context of sustainable development, considers the different systems for the global monitoring of the Earth, which include the study of state of water, atmosphere, soil, vegetation, wildlife, climate, monitoring of urban growth, monitoring of the dynamics of natural landscapes to meet the challenges of sustainable development. The capabilities of different monitoring systems were evaluated.

Special emphasis will be placed on the European experience (European international initiative Copernicus and its contribution to the economy and development processes of various countries, both for members of the European Union and outside) and domestic systems.