Physics of traffic


Physics of traffic

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27 May 2019 the open lecture "Physics of traffic" took place in MIIGAiK for preuniversity students and secondary schools teachers (lecturer Pavel Kuzin, a graduate of the Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography, master student of MARCHI). The principles of traffic management, as well as specific examples of modern transport planning in the cities of Russia and Europe were considered from the point of view of physics laws and mathematics.

The end of May is the time of transferable and final exams so the audience was not so big as in aut. But this was a plus too: the atmosphere of the lecture was very warm and comfortable, the audience asked a lot of questions with interest, showing a keen interest in theoretical calculations and analysis of practical cases.

See also:
Вучик Вукан Р. Транспорт в городах, удобных для жизни