On November 17, 2020, the GRETERE project hosted the webinar "Mega(giga)policies and agglomerations VS small towns and rural settlements". Lecturer - Dmitriy Fesenko, corresponding member of International Academy of Architecture, member of the Board of the Union of Moscow Architects, chief editor of the magazine "Architectural Herald" gave a detailed and profound analysis of trends of population distribution in Europe and in Russia, the comparative analysis of historical Roosevelt's and Mattarana's megaprojects, concepts of polarized growth and the managed compression and convincingly substantiate the need for the transition to an integrative model of settlement spatial development of the country.
November 24 2020 in the framework of the project GRETERE webinar Lyudmila Tkachenko "Analysis of trends in territorial governance in European Union in the context of sustainable development", in which students will become familiar with examples of the integrated approach to territorial development in major cities of Europe.